Acts of 1822 (Ex. Sess.) Chapter 96
SECTION 1. That all that tract of country lying North of the following described bounds shall be, and remain a part of Hickman County (to wit) beginning at the south east corner of Hickman County made by the commissioners on the old Natchez Road, and running with said road to Grinder's old stand on said road, thence eastwardly on the top of said ridge, with its different meanders between the head waters of Swan and Buffaloe, and extending on with said ridge between the head waters of Cane Creek and Trace Creek; thence with a ridge so as to include Racoon Creek in Hickman County, to the east boundary line of Perry County; thence north with Perry County line to the north-west corner of Hickman County.
SECTION 2. That all the balance of territory being north of Lawrence County and south of (the) aforesaid described line shall be and remain a part of Lawrence County.
SECTION 3. That all the remaining part of said territory lying north of Wayne County and south of said before described line of Hickman shall be and remain a part of Wayne County.
SECTION 4. That the county court of Wayne and Lawrence shall appoint one or more commissioners to run and mark the lines as far as respects Lawrence and Wayne counties.
SECTION 5. That all and every person or persons whatsoever, falling into the bounds of either of the aforesaid counties, shall, and they are hereby vested with all the rights and privileges that they would have had in case they had been originally attached or belonged to said counties, and that this act shall be in force from and after the passing thereof, and that all laws or parts of laws coming within the purview and meaning of this act shall, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed: August 17, 1822.