Public Acts of 1870 Chapter 77
WHEREAS, In accordance with the provisions of an Act passed May 27, 1870, to establish the county of Christiana, a popular election was held on the 18th day of June 1870; and
WHEREAS, At said election the popular vote, in each fraction, has elected to establish the county aforesaid, with great unanimity; therefore,
SECTION 1. That an election for county officers shall be held at all the voting places established by the Commissioners appointed to organize and district the county of Christiana, on the first Thursday in August, 1870; and it shall be the duty of the Chairman of said Board of Commissioners to furnish to the Secretary of State a certified return of the result of said election, as provided for in similar elections in other counties in this State.
SEC. 2. That the Governor shall commission all the officers elected in and for said county, which are entitled to said commissions, as in other counties. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collectors for the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, to furnish to the Tax Collector of Christiana County, a transcript of their tax books of all the property and polls assessed and stricken off to the County of Christiana; and it shall be the duty of the County Court Clerk of said county, to copy and arrange the same in a book for the convenience of the said Tax Collector, as is now provided for by law in other counties in this State.
SEC. 3. That the Tax Collectors of the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, are hereby estopped from collecting the taxes in the County of Christiana for the year 1870; Provided, that they may collect all arrearages for years preceding 1870; and Provided, that the Tax Collector of Christiana shall be held liable for the revenue placed in his hands, as other Tax Collectors in this State, and a certified copy of the transcript of the tax book shall be a voucher in the hands of the Tax Collectors of Roane, Monroe and Blount on settlement with their respective counties; said certificate to be made by the Clerk of Christiana County.
SEC. 4. That the election for judicial and civil officers, to be held on the first Thursday in August, 1870, shall be held under the direction, and returns of the same made by the Commissioners heretofore appointed for the County of Christiana. The line between the Counties of Christiana and Monroe are so changed as to include the quarter section of land upon which the residence of J. R. Robinson now is, in the County of Christiana and the Clerks of the Chancery and Circuit Courts for the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, upon the application of the Chancery and Circuit Court Clerks of the County of Christiana, shall furnish a full and complete transcript of the record, in either of the Courts of the Counties of Roane, Monroe and Blount, in which suit or suits the parties reside in the County of Christiana. Said transcript shall include all bills of cost up to the time of transfer; and the Clerks of the respective Courts for the County of Christiana, shall enter the same upon the record of their respective Courts, and the same shall proceed to final hearing, in the Courts of the County of Christiana, the same as contemplated in the Courts in which said suits originated; and the fee for issuing said transcript shall be added to the bill of cost in each suit, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk, preparing the Acts and Journals of this session of the General Assembly for the printer, to strike out the name Christiana, where it may occur, in any and all acts in relation to said county, and insert the name Loudon in its stead, and said county shall hereafter be known as the County of Loudon, instead of the County of Christiana.
SEC. 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, be, and the same are hereby repealed; and that this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: June 29, 1870.