Acts of 1909 Chapter 263
SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this Act the boundary line between the county of Maury and the county of Lewis shall be as follows:
Beginning on the Lawrence County line where it crosses the east boundary line of Entry No. 888 for 195 acres in the name of John Stockard, 19 miles from Columbia and 19 7/8 miles from Hohenwald, and runs north with the east boundary said entry about 73 poles to northeast corner, same course with a new line dividing C. R. Craig, Entry No. 875 for 198 acres, in all 243 poles, a small stone with hickory pointer in south boundary line of Entry No..., in the name of Samuel Stewart, for ... acres; then east with his south boundary 66 poles, his corner and southwest corner of Entry No. 374, in the name of R. O. Smith, for 394 acres; then north with Smith's west boundary line 186 poles to his and Stewart's corner in Smith's boundary line of Entry No. 34, in the name of A. H. Buckner, for 175 acres; then east [with] Buckner's and Smith's line 150 poles to a stone in the north boundary line of Entry No. 808, in the name of Johnston Craig, for 200 acres; then north with Buckner's and Craig's line 60 poles, Craig's corner; thence south (with) Craig's and Buckner's line 20 poles to a small hickory; then north with Buckner's east boundary crossing the Nashville, Florence and Sheffield Railroad at 150 poles, 16 poles east of the 18 milepost on said railroad, in all 188 poles to Buckner's corner; then east (with) Buckner's line 44 poles to stake (17 miles from Columbia); then north (with) Buckner's line 154 poles to a rock, the southeast corner of Entry 823, in the name of John Williams, for 200 acres, and southwest corner of Entry 735, in the name of Jessee M. Gordon, for 164 acres, continuing same course with Williams' east boundary line 150 poles to corner of Entry No. 850, in the name of Johnathan Janes for 200 acres; then west with Williams' and Janes' line 89 poles to corner of Entry No. 928, in the name of Stepord Gordon; then north (with) Janes' and Gordon's line 104 poles to corner of Entry No. 857, in the name of Ezra Durham, for 200 acres; then north 38 east with Janes' and Durham's line 57 poles to the southwest corner of Entry 300, in the name of W. H. Barr, for 177 acres (put into Maury County by Act of 1893, Chapter 7, February 9); then north with Durham and Barr entries 176 poles to northeast corner of Durham's entry, a point 16 miles from Columbia; then west with the south boundary line of Entry No. 298 for 68 acres, in the name of Young Ball, and Durham's line 67 poles to the southeast corner of Entry No. 910, in the name of David Ray, for 200 acres; the north with Ray's and Ball's line 112 poles to their corner in Stephen Beckum's south boundary line (put into Maury County by Act of 1869, Chapter 30, December 7); then west with Beckum's and Ray's line 26 poles; then north with same 97 poles to their corner; then west with same 80 poles to Ray's corner in the east boundary line of Entry No. 909, (in the name of Elijah Ray, for 145 acres; then north with Beckum and Ray 66 poles to northeast corner of Entry 909 (in a line run by Frierson in 1852), C. S. Williams' most southern southeast corner; then west with Williams' and Ray's line 94 poles to southwest corner of Entry No. 339, in the name of C. S. Williams, for 285 acres, and the southeast corner of Entry 882, in the name of A. Beckum, for 146 acres, and runs north [with] Williams' and Beckum's line 186 poles as per Act of 1869; then with Williams' and Beckum's line 20 poles; then north, passing Beckum's corner at 44 poles, the southeast corner of Entry No. 842, in the name of Richard Jennings, for 200 acres, and Jennings' east boundary line, passing Williams' at 56 poles in all 186 poles; then west with Jennings' entry (Math. McClain) 34 poles to a point on bluff; then north crossing West Fork of Bigby 8 poles and mouth of Holmes' land at 13 poles (18½ miles from Hohenwald), same course on the line between A. W. Goodman and Mort Cooper, in all 102 poles to their corner in Southworth's south boundary; then west [with] Goodman's and Southworth's line 30 poles to a set stone; then north, their line passing Goodman's corner at 33 poles, a stone, Cooper's corner, and passing his corner at 130 poles, M.E. Wheeler's southeast corner, same course in all 168 poles to Wheeler's and Southworth's corner; then west [with] their line 13 poles to a set stone, their corner; then north [with] their line 78 poles to a stone, Wheeler's corner, in Southworth's west boundary line, George Hogue's corner; then west [with] Wheeler's and Hogue's line 82 poles to a small hickory, their corner; then north [with] their line crossing road at 82 poles, in all 122 poles to a large chestnut stump 1 pole south of a road leading hill blackgum pointer (15½ miles from Columbia); then west with Wheeler's line, crossing road at 22 poles, and crossing main ridge road at 102½ poles, and the railroad from Mount Pleasant to Gordonsburg at 122 [poles] in all 126 poles to a white oak, Wheeler's corner, the northeast corner of Entry 881, in the name of Samuel Irvine, for 195 acres, and with the north boundary line of the same 294 poles, in all 420 poles to large black oak in Pogue's and Akin's line; then south 14 poles to their corner, Akin's and Brown's corner, a stake; then west [with] their line 84 poles to their corner; then north [with] their line, passing Akin's and Brown's corner at 67 poles, a black gum same course with the west boundary line of Martin, Entry No. ..., passing his corner at 155 poles, the southwest corner of Entry No. 127, in the name of J. D. Rains, for 200 acres, same course, passing southeast corner of Entry No. 177, in the name of T. Grimes, for 200 acres, at 253 poles, in all 403 poles to the northeast corner (10 3/4 miles to Columbia) of Entry No. 177; then west [with] the same 80 poles to the right of way of railroad; thence westwardly with railroad right of way 202 poles to the west boundary line of Entry 190 in the east boundary line of Entry No. 12, in the name of West and Akin, for 3,985 acres; then north [with] West's and Akin's, line 83 poles to the southeast corner of Entry No. 837, in the name of A. H. Buckner, for 200 acres, West's and Akin's corner in Flowers' west boundary line; then west with Buckner's line 197 poles to his corner, his and West's and Akin's corner; then north [with] their line, passing Buckner's corner at 191 poles, Hugh Farris' southwest corner, in all 218½ poles to West's and Akin's corner and Farris' corner in the south boundary of Entry No. 835 for 175 acres; then west with West's and Akin's line 100 poles to corner of Entry No. 835; then north 34 poles to corner of West's and Akin's most northern northeast corner and the southeast corner of Entry No. ... for 200 acres, in the name of A. J. Pugh; then west [with] their line 137 poles to his southwest corner in West's and Akin's north boundary (a point 14 3/4 miles from Hohenwald); then north [with] Pugh's west boundary line 110 poles to his corner, south boundary line of Entry No. 134, in the name of Porter, for 196 acres; then west [with] Porter's line 20 poles to corner of same; then north 105 to Porter's corner; then north 18 degrees west 64 poles; then north, passing the southwest corner of Entry No. 898, in the name of P. A. Kirk, for 200 acres, at 35 poles, in all 290 poles, northwest corner of Entry 898; then east with the same 20 poles to southwest corner of Entry No. 879, in the name of Samuel Whiteside, for 96 acres; then north [with] his line 160 poles, his corner; then east [with] his line 20 poles to a stone; then north [with] his line 36 poles to his corner in south boundary line of Entry No. 858, in the name of A. Brown, for 64 acres; then east with the same, passing Brown's corner at 40 poles, and passing southwest corner of Entry No. 821 and with same 76 poles to southwest corner of Entry No. 820, in the name of S. J. Strayhorn, for 65 acres, and with same 40 poles to the southeast corner in west boundary line of Andrew Kennedy Entry for 640 acres; then north with Strayhorn's east boundary line, passing his northeast corner at 190 poles to and passing William Scott's southeast corner, and with his west boundary line to his corner, in all 545 poles to Brown's corner; then west with William Scott's line 15 poles to his corner; then north [with] his line and Z. W. Scott's east boundary line 200 poles to Z. W. Scott's northeast corner; then west [with] his line 134 poles to his corner in Whitesides' east boundary line; then north [with] Whitesides' line 49 poles to a white oak on south side of Natchez Road in Hickman County line. All lands added to either County by this Act shall be added to the civil district adjoining said lands.
SECTION 2. That all Acts of the Legislature heretofore passed establishing the boundary line between said Counties of Maury and Lewis are hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 23, 1909.