Private Acts of 1943 Chapter 439
SECTION 1. That the term "Old Civil District" shall mean the civil districts of McNairy County, Tennessee, as constituted prior to the enactment of Chapter No. 281, of the Private Acts of 1939.
SECTION 2. That the Old Civil Districts 17 and 3 be removed from the territory of Civil District No. 2 and that such removed territory shall compose a new Civil District which shall be Civil District No. 7, and Arlis Garner and John Ward, are hereby appointed to fill the newly created offices of Justice of the Peace for said Civil District No. 7. Albert Lott is hereby designated as Constable for Civil District No. 7.
SECTION 3. That the territory included in the Old Civil District No. 4 shall be removed from Civil District No. 5 of said County, and the territory of said Old Civil District No. 4 shall be added to and become a part of Civil District No. 6 of said County. G. W. Hall is hereby designated to fill the vacancy in the office of Justice of the Peace in said Civil District No. 5, and the Constable will remain as at present.
SECTION 4. That Old Civil Districts 1 and 18 shall be removed from the territory composing Civil District No. 6 and such territory so removed shall constitute a new Civil District to be known as Civil District No. 8 of said County. W. R. Steadman and R. L. Wilmeth are hereby designated to fill the vacancies in the office of Justice of the Peace in said Civil District No. 8. Norris Bodiford is hereby designated as Constable for said Civil District No. 8.
SECTION 5. That Earl Jones is hereby designated as Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy created by changing the territory constituting Civil District No. 6 of said County.
SECTION 6. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 9, 1943.