Private Acts of 1947 Chapter 588
SECTION 1. That the office of Secretary of the Budget Committee is hereby created in all Counties of the State of Tennessee having a population of not less than 20,400 nor more than 20,500 according to the Federal Census of 1940 or any subsequent Federal Census. The Secretary of the Budget Committee shall be elected by the Quarterly County Court of such Counties at the next regular session of said Quarterly County Court following the effective date of this Act and shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until his successor is elected and qualified. In the event of a vacancy in said office of Secretary of the Budget Committee, the same shall be filled at the next regular meeting of the Quarterly County Court after such vacancy has occurred.
SECTION 2. That such Secretary of the Budget Committee shall be a resident citizen of the County for which he is elected, and shall not be related by affinity or consanguinity to any member of the Quarterly County Court.
SECTION 3. That it shall be the duty of such Secretary of the Budget Committee to meet with the Budget Committee when the same is in session; shall act as Secretary of said meetings and shall take down in writing proceedings had in said meetings, and shall perform such other duties as the Chairman of the Budget Committee may direct.
SECTION 4. That the salary of such Secretary of the Budget Committee shall be fixed at $15.00 per day for each day that the Budget may be in session, but in no event shall the total salary per annum exceed $75.00; and the salary to be paid the said Secretary of the Budget Committee shall be paid out of the general funds of the County upon a warrant drawn by the County Judge upon the County Trustee upon certification by the Chairman of the Budget Committee to the County Judge as to the amount due such Secretary of the Budget Committee under the provisions of this section.
SECTION 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.
SECTION 6. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 3, 1947.