Private Acts of 1981 Chapter 25
SECTION 1. The Director of the Monroe County Ambulance Service is empowered and it shall be his duty when charges for ambulance service become delinquent to issue a distress warrant for the collection of such charges together with any interest and penalty owing thereon from each person who is delinquent in the payment of such charges. Such distress warrant may be addressed and delivered to the sheriff of Monroe County.
SECTION 2. The sheriff into whose hands such warrant may come, or his deputy, may execute such warrant by the distraint and sale of personal property belonging to such delinquent person and the proceedings in respect thereto shall be the same as are provided by law for proceedings under an execution at law from a court of record; and the executing officer shall be entitled to the same fees, commissions, and necessary expense of removing and keeping property distrained as in the case of an execution from a court of record.
SECTION 3. This Act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the legislative body of Monroe County. Its approval or nonapproval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the legislative body of Monroe County and certified by him to the Secretary of State.
SECTION 4. For the purpose of approving or rejecting the provisions of this Act, it shall be effective upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes, it shall become effective upon being approved as provided in Section 3.
Passed: March 4, 1981.