Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 14
SECTION 1. That all jurisdiction exercised by the County Judge concerning and relating to juveniles is hereby transferred from the County Court and vested in the General Sessions Court of Moore County; and the General Sessions Judge of Moore County shall have and exercise all the jurisdiction, power, authority and duties now or hereafter vested by law in Juvenile Court.
SECTION 2. That the Circuit Court Clerk of Moore County shall serve as the Clerk of the General Sessions Court as to all matters arising under Section 1 hereof and all fees accruing thereunder shall belong to the Office of the Circuit Court Clerk.
SECTION 3. That this Act shall have no effect unless the same shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Quarterly County Court of Moore County at a regular meeting of said Court occurring more than thirty (30) days after the approval of this Act by the Chief Executive of the State. Its approval or non-approval shall be proclaimed by the County Judge and such approval or non-approval shall be certified by him to the Secretary of State.
SECTION 4. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: January 26, 1961.